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A place of practise and sanctuary. This loft is a home that exercises the interest in beer brewery, which is reflected in the level of wall materiality, and continued through the use of filtered light. The grid was extracted from the shadow created by the extravagant window that filters light in a diagonal shape. The walls and levels were then created to follow this diagonal axis. The design is asymmetrical, and directs circulation on the across the diagonal grid, both in vertical and horizontal directions.  Two staircases act as a seperation and a connection between each pod. The living quarters are distinctly seperated from the public tasting room for the clients brewery. This is to provide full privacy and comfort for the clients personal needs. Wall materiality is addrressed through the lightweight glass frames that act as skylights as well as feature windows, and the hard concrete exterior walls. The drastic difference creates a balanced appeal. The laneway loft is accessible via both streets, one door to the shop and one door to the private home. The two access points are at different levels, again seperating the private and public spaces further.
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